State of the Art Framing and Gallery Logo white
We are a full service custom frame shop in Beulah, MI owned by Patty Wolfe, and offer a wide variety of framing services.

(231) 882-0200

Custom Framing

Choose from a huge selection or order it custom for a special project.

Patty’s years of experience will help preserve and protect your precious artwork and mementos. We offer only preservation matboard, all types of glass and supports and hundreds of frame styles from contemporary to ‘up-north’ to period reproduction. Our equipment is state of the art and includes blind underpinning and computerized mat cutting. We can also custom modify molding in shape, style and finish.


State Of The Art Framing & gallery, Inc opened in 1985 in Traverse City Michigan. Since then we’ve been focused on quality work, selection and services. The shop was moved to Beulah in Benzie county in 2006.  Later, in autumn 2021, we moved just down the street in downtown Beulah, across from Five Shores Brewery.


Winter/Spring hours

Wednesday to Friday: 10am – 4pm
Saturday: 10am – 3pm

EXCEPT: Closed December 21 – Jan1, re-opening again on January 2nd.  See below for special appointment during closing times.

When closed, call for appointment

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday: Closed but you may call my cell for appointment (231) 871-1816

We are a full service custom frame shop in Beulah, MI owned by Patty Wolfe, and offer a wide variety of framing services.

State of the Art Framing & Gallery
175 S Benzie Blvd
Beulah, MI 49617

Copyright 2021/2022 State of the Art Gallery & Framing